Tomato leaf curl is caused by the virus known as tomato yellow leaf curl (TYLCV). It was first spotted in California in March 2007, and now it is present in the whole United States, India, and China. Usually, whiteflies and affected plants transmit the virus to other plants. Infected tomato plants will initially grow very slowly and stand rigidly; this slowing will be especially visible in young plants that have been infected. Nevertheless, leaf symptoms are the most telling of a problem. Infected plants have small leaves that curl downward and exhibit significant crumpling in addition to interveinal and edge yellowing.
Infected plants have shorter internodes, and their overall growth is inhibited, giving them a bushy, bonsai- or broccoli-like appearance. Flowers that develop on infected plants frequently fail to mature and perish (abscise). In fields with densely infected plants, losses of over 100 percent are not uncommon, and fruit output is dramatically reduced when plants are infected at a young age.
Tomato Leaf Curl

The predominance of the tomato leaf curl virus, one of the most destructive tomato viruses, restricts tomato production in many tropical and subtropical parts of the world. This problem is prevalent in many regions with a Mediterranean climate, including Australia, China, Canada, and California. The tomato industry is therefore extremely concerned about the potential for the virus to spread throughout California. Due to a multitude of factors, this disease has now reached the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, two of the most important tomato-growing regions in California. To begin with, the whitefly, which transmits the disease, is uncommon in tomato-growing regions due to its cold resistance.
In addition, from approximately the end of November to the beginning of February, the winter season in the Central Valley provides tomato-free time. This virus is capable of infecting a wide range of plant species; however, it grows most rapidly in tomatoes. By creating a yearly “tomato-free period,” the quantity of viral inoculum will likely be drastically decreased by the time the tomato planting season resumes in late winter or early spring. Even if the virus survives the winter, it may take some time for it to reach levels high enough to cause economic harm.
Symptoms of Tomato Leaf Curl

Tomato plants have little yellow-veined leaves. The leaves twist upwards toward the center. Shortened shoots make seedlings bushy. Marginal leaf yellowing, upward or downward leaf cupping, reduced leaf size, loss of flowers and fruits, and plant stunting are all symptoms of tomato leaf curl. Most homeowners don’t realize that not all of the following symptoms occur at once, and more significantly, that these symptoms are not particular to Tomato leaf curl or viral infections in general. TYLCV may be present in one to all retail-purchased plants planted in the garden. Marginal leaf yellowing and minor cupping of the youngest leaves are the first indications.
As the plants are still young, they have not experienced stunting, which would result in the abortive development of flowers and fruit. Early tomato leaf curl signs are easier to spot when tomato grafts are bought from multiple suppliers. As infected plants age, leaf cupping, leaf size decrease, blossom drop, and plant stunting become more noticeable, especially when healthy tomatoes are nearby. Remember that two or more symptoms from the same plant improve tomato leaf curl visual diagnosis. Tomato leaf curl might be misdiagnosed by peripheral leaf yellowing or leaf cupping. Tomato symptoms have multiple reasons.
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) is indeed a significant plant pathogen that affects tomato plants. It belongs to a group of viruses called the Begomoviruses, which are transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci). TYLCV causes yellowing and curling of the leaves, stunting of plant growth, and reduction in fruit yield and quality. It can lead to significant economic losses in tomato production, especially in regions where whiteflies are abundant and virus management practices are not effectively implemented.
Control measures for TYLCV often involve a combination of cultural practices, such as removing infected plants, using resistant varieties, employing insecticides to manage whitefly populations, and implementing crop rotation strategies. Biotechnological approaches, such as genetic engineering for resistance, are also being explored.
TYLCV is Caused by
The majority of incidences of leaf curl are attributable to stress. Stress is never beneficial for plants, although it seldom kills them and has few long-term effects on the yield. Assuming you have successfully identified the problem, using the remedy should restore the health of your plants. Curling leaves may have additional, more difficult-to-treat causes. Significantly fewer plants are exposed to pesticides and viral infections, but these threats are significantly more harmful. This could lead to a smaller yield, no harvest at all, or even the plant’s death. Depending on the underlying cause, tomato leaf curl may have a variety of consequences. Consider the following common explanations.
- Curling leaves may be an indication of overwatering, but there are certainly further warning signs. Immersion in water is the most likely explanation. Lack of frequent soil watering limits the transfer of water to the plant’s cells, which induces stiffness. The leaves curl inward as a defensive mechanism against increased water loss owing to solar exposure.
- Overheating is a significant factor in drowning. A lack of water also causes this issue, however, it may not be entirely the gardener’s fault. Tomatoes may have difficulty adapting to July’s warmer temperatures and stronger sunlight. Despite the fact that tomatoes are sun-loving plants, they undergo heat stress when the temperature consistently exceeds 85 degrees Fahrenheit. As temperatures rise, stomatal transpiration, or water loss via a plant’s leaves, increases. Again, the plant’s leaves bend inward to provide shade and reduce transpiration.
- When growing tomatoes, use a fertilizer with the correct ratio of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium for the best results. The plant requires phosphate and potassium in order to generate blooms and fruit once it has reached maturity and begun fruit production.
Management Practices of Tomato Leaf Curl
Tomato leaf curl causes an incurable plant disease under natural conditions, making TYLCV management a global issue. The TYLCV virus is a required intracellular parasite. Therefore, efficient tomato leaf curl disease prevention depends on prudent crop management before, ongoing, and following the growing season.
Management Practice of TYLCV Before Planting
Only plant seedlings that have been extensively inspected for resistance to pests, viruses, and diseases. For disease control, it is desirable to select ecologically friendly, TYLCV-resistant cultivars. Wild tomato species have the six quantitative trait loci Ty-1/3, Ty-2, Ty-4, and Ty-6. Tomatoes resistant to tomato leaf curl and begomovirus have been conventionally developed to produce commercially viable cultivars. They may be resistant to some begomoviruses, such as tomato leaf curl virus-betasatellite disease complexes. Once you’ve chosen a variety and a supplier, select a planting date and field location. Early infection of TYLCV is frequently associated with more severe symptoms and yield loss.
When the number of whiteflies and TYLCV inoculum is limited, new planting can occur. In greenhouses, high-value vegetable crops can be protected from whiteflies by employing protected culture techniques such as row covers. Feeding and watering the soil is beneficial for soil health, plant immunity, and crop production.
TYLCV Management Practice During Growing Season
Due to the fact that the severity of tomato leaf curl disease depends on the host, the virus inoculum titer, and the whitefly population, regular field inspections are required during the growing season. Yellow adhesive cards can be used to track whiteflies in greenhouses and open fields. Utilizing insecticides is the most prevalent method for removing vectors. Insect vector populations that are resistant to pesticides represent a concern. In China, the prevalence of the super vector B. tabaci has been thoroughly reported. Throughout the growing season, insecticides with distinct modes of action can be alternated to reduce vector pesticide resistance.
To counteract disease-spreading insects, parasites, fungi, and other natural enemies should be released. During the growing season, TYLCV-infected plants are unearthed and destroyed. This reduces the viral inoculum and, if the virus is rare, prevents the progression of tomato leaf curl. To avoid the spread of viruliferous whiteflies, rogue plants must be immediately enclosed in whitefly-resistant containers and eliminated.
Management Practice of TYLCV After Harvesting
After harvesting, it is necessary to properly eradicate unhealthy plants. To eliminate or reduce the initial inoculum sources in a given area, extensive sanitation should be conducted. It is essential to eradicate weeds in and around fields, as they frequently serve as reservoir hosts for TYLCV The pressure of tomato leaf curl and whitefly can be lessened by alternating crops that are not hosts for either pest. When eliminating hosts is not possible, a host-free period is recommended to reduce the number of viruses and vectors.
Through host-free intervals, tomato leaf curl has been effectively managed in the Dominican Republic. Integrated pest management is an effective and generic strategy for reducing TYLCV-related economic losses and epidemics. First, the use of resistant plant kinds or virus-free planting materials to keep tomato leaf curl away from plants; and second, the adoption of preventive methods to limit the spread of TYLCV by eliminating reservoirs, conducting surveillance, and controlling whiteflies.
Biological Control of Tomato Leaf Curl
Microbes such as Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Streptomyces, Gliocladium, and Trichoderma spp. can prevent or minimize crop diseases. Biocontrol of tomato diseases such as tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), sunflower necrosis virus (SNV), banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), and tomato mosaic virus via plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. These viruses have been contained by defense genes expressing Chitinase, beta-1, 3-glucanase, peroxidase, PALase, and other enzymes and chemicals. In practice, the impacts of single biocontrol agents were limited or difficult to replicate.
Multiple antagonists can overcome this obstacle and enhance pathogen or pathogen-complex management. Two or more biocontrol strains may be more effective in preventing tomato leaf curl virus because they mirror nature. According to a study, combining beneficial microorganisms with chitin or chitosan boosts biocontrol effectiveness. This work investigates how specific rhizobacterial isolates induce ISR molecules and plant defense responses in response to tomato leaf curl infection, with and without PGPR amendments and chitosan treatments.
Leaf Curl Of Tomato
Leaf curl in tomatoes is a common physiological disorder that can be caused by various factors including environmental stress, viral infections, herbicide damage, or genetic factors. Here’s a brief overview of each potential cause:
Environmental Stress: Fluctuations in temperature, excessive sunlight, drought, or overwatering can stress tomato plants, leading to leaf curl as a response.
Viral Infections: Viruses like Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) or Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV) can cause leaf curl along with other symptoms such as mosaic patterns on leaves and stunted growth. These viruses are often spread by insect vectors such as whiteflies and aphids.
Herbicide Damage: Exposure to certain herbicides, especially those containing 2,4-D, can cause leaf curl and other abnormalities in tomato plants.
Genetic Factors: Some tomato varieties are naturally more prone to leaf curl due to their genetic makeup. To manage leaf curl in tomatoes, it’s essential to identify the underlying cause. Here are some general tips:
Maintain consistent watering practices, ensuring the soil remains evenly moist but not waterlogged. Provide adequate shading during periods of intense sunlight, especially for young plants. Use row covers or insect nets to protect plants from insect vectors that may transmit viruses. Rotate crops to reduce the buildup of soil-borne pathogens. Use disease-resistant tomato varieties whenever possible. If herbicide damage is suspected, avoid using herbicides near tomato plants and carefully follow application instructions. In severe cases, particularly if viral infection is suspected, it may be necessary to remove and destroy affected plants to prevent the spread of the disease to other nearby plants.