Parasitic Wasp
The baculoviruses or Parasitic wasp used for biological control are naturally occurring viruses that are able to control insects. Once these baculoviruses are eaten by an insect host, then they reproduce within the gut cells of the insect causing it to become unhealthy and die. The baculoviruses used for biological control have a small range of activity, often only able to infect the kind of insects that are dangerous to the crop.
What is Baculovirus or Parasitic wasp?
Some of you farmers may have heard about the insects known as a parasitic wasp or farmer-friendly insects. They are quite common in our fields but very few people are aware of them. Many people have heard the name but are not familiar with its appearance and do not know how beneficial they are for the farmers. How to make free work for them. Farmer Friendly Insects or parasitic wasp will tell you about them in the next few posts.
But now we will tell you about the virus. Everyone must have heard about the virus. Those who have not heard; the must-know name of the coronavirus (Covid-19) for the past few years. Which has caused a lot of damage to human life. People were confined to their homes. Therefore, common people conclude that viruses are dangerous. But today we Will talk about some germs which are greatly beneficial for the farmer. Like farmer-friendly insects, they are called farmer-friendly viruses, Parasitic wasp, or Baculovirus.
What is Virus and Their Benefits
A virus is an exceedingly small organism. Which are not visible to the normal human eye, so it is also called microscopic organisms. These microscopic organisms are generally very harmful, but the organisms created by God Almighty have been created for some purpose that is known to man. It doesn’t happen, but science has made heavenly progress, and now some secrets are being revealed to humans. Viruses or edible organisms cause many diseases in humans, animals, and plants. However, some viruses spread diseases in these harmful insects. Drop those that cause damage to crops. Baculoviruses or Parasitic wasp belong to a family of viruses called (Baculoviridae) is called. These viruses function as enemies of harmful insects.
Baculovirus History and Origin
In the mid-1940s, baculovirus, or parasitic wasp was used as a biopesticide with significant benefits. Baculovirus or Parasitic wasp is being used as an environmentally friendly spray. So far, many strains have been discovered. Some species are being used as pesticides. Ladybug Larvae are its host. It is separated from the group of insects Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera.
These viruses do not harm agricultural-friendly insects. This led to the elimination of harmful insects. These other organisms that are not intended to be killed do not cause any harm to them, so they are also called environmentally friendly. The use of baculovirus is as beneficial as the chemical method. The best eco-friendly natural method for many baculoviruses is self-breeding. Which is much cheaper and more beneficial than the chemical method. Using natural methods to keep the environment clean and food hygienic is greatly beneficial for human health.
Many baculoviruses are self-produced. Which is much cheaper and more beneficial than the chemical method. Using natural methods to keep the environment clean and food hygienic is greatly beneficial for human health as chemical spraying kills many environmentally friendly insects and causes many diseases in humans. Therefore, special attention needs to be paid to the use of eco-friendly insects and environmentally friendly insects, which will not only reduce the cost per acre but also supply better food and a clean environment.