root-knot nematode going to hole

Citrus Nematode | Have you Seen Nematodes disease in Citrus

Citrus Nematode One of the most significant problems that might arise when growing citrus is the citrus nematode. Lemon plants all across the world have been afflicted by a pathogen called a citrus nematode. Citrus orchids experience a gradual deterioration as a result of nematode infestation. The citrus nematode disease was initially discovered in Asia,

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bacterial blight of pomegranate

Bacterial Blight of Pomegranate | Dangerous Disease| Do You Know

  Bacterial Blight of Pomegranate The bacterial blight of pomegranate is one of the most dangerous diseases of pomegranate. Bacterial blight disease reduces the production of fruit by 30 to 50%. Pomegranate disease is triggered by the fungal pathogen Xanthomonas xonopodis. The pathogens enter the plant’s fruit through wounds and stomata, affecting the plants. Bacterial

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soil sample packing in a plastic bag

Soil Fertility Test | Soil Sampling | Soil Fertility |

   Soil Fertility Test The fertility of the soil is the capability of the soil to sustain agricultural plant growth. Soil fertility test provides a plant environment and results in sustained and consistent yields of high quality. Fertile soil has the following properties. The ability to supply essential plant nutrients and water in adequate amounts

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rice nursery field

Rice Nursery | Sowing Perfect Method | Did You Know This?

Rice Nursery There are four distinct methods for sowing rice in nurseries around the world. The wet-bed nursery, the dry-bed nursery, the dapog nursery, and the seedling transplanting rice nursery are the various ways. With the introduction of the direct seed method, a new and ideal method for sowing rice has been developed. This technique

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potassium sulfate fertilizer

Potassium Sulfate Best Fertilizer Vegetables for Do You Know

Potassium Sulfate Potassium sulfate is highly recommended as a nutrient for plant growth because of its high potassium content. SOP fertilizer, or potassium sulfate, is another name for this substance. Potassium makes up 50% of SOP fertilizer. Vegetables and some other crops benefit most from SOP fertilizer, but it can be harmful to other types

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single super phosphate

SSP Fertilizer & Phosphate Fertilizers How to Increase Production

SSP Fertilizer Around the planet, phosphorus is the eleventh most abundant element. If soil is deficient in phosphorus, crop production is constrained until the nutrient is added as fertilizer through manures. Therefore, increasing food production calls for an adequate quantity of phosphorus. Plants require phosphorus, a vital nutrient, in order to flourish. It aids in

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Ammonium sulfate Fertilizer Bag

Ammonium Sulfate | Fertilizer How to work Perfectly for crops

Ammonium Sulfate Ammonium sulfate remains one of the most popular nitrogen fertilizers used worldwide. As a fertilizer for alkaline soils, ammonium has many applications. Ammonium ion, when released in the soil, generates a small quantity of acid that decreases the soil’s pH while also providing necessary nitrogen for plant growth. Transport expenses are increased due

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calcium ammonium nitrate

Calcium Ammonium Nitrate | Any idea about It & How to work 1

Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) or Nitro-limestone, often called nitrochalk, is a popular form that is used as an inorganic fertilizer. It contributes around 4% of the total nitrogen fertilizer applied worldwide. Nitrogen is supplied to plants in a stable and well-balanced fashion by calcium ammonium nitrate, a granular nitrogenous fertilizer. Nitrogen in

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urea fertilizer

Urea Fertilizer | Have You Know What is urea & How to Work

Urea Fertilizer Synthetic or chemical fertilizers can be produced from fossil fuels like gasoline or natural gas, as well as other materials. Artificial fertilizer, often known as chemical fertilizer, is a source of enriched nutrients like nitrates, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium for plants. A soil’s fertility can be increased with the use of fertilizers. Most

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